This will be sort of a current event of the Boike Family.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Playing Out side

What is it about kids playing outside? They seem to be twice as funny outside. Doesnt he just make you want to go play on the swing set again?


Blogger adam said...

Hey guys! This is actually Adrianne. I have to use Adam's blogger name because I'm not cool enough to have my own! Trenton's getting so big! He's adorable! He looks awfully lonely though. Isn't it about time for #2?? :) We miss you guys - Take Care - Adri

4/5/06 4:11 PM

Blogger Jake B. said...

Hey Adrianne its Dana, I am not cool enogh either. :) Yeah about the loneliness he will have to deal.! HA HA. Did u get the video email we sent you guys on your e-mail. It was of Trenton eating noddles. Well of to Babs :)
Love Dana

5/5/06 5:47 AM

Blogger adam said...

The kid is just purely CUTE! Got'a love the little fella

5/5/06 12:20 PM

Blogger Amanda T said...

Hey jake and dana...jesse told me about your blog last night. The pictures of tenton are adorable! Tom and i have a blog too.
This will be a great way for us to keep in contact with people from Bethany after we move in August.
Great to see pictures!
-Amanda Trumbull

26/5/06 8:17 AM

Blogger Jake B. said...

Hey thanks, Trenton is one cute kid. If i dont say so myself? :) I wrote something on your blog if you check this first.

26/5/06 11:20 AM


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